Friday, July 31, 2009

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

Welcome! I hope you will join me in my fight to bring bold change and reform to Beacon Hill. I'm done complaining about our legislators; I am taking action! We have been working on my campaign for several months, and we have built a strong, well-organized campaign team.

I want to put our run-away government back into the hands of the people. The only way to break the stranglehold the corrupt politicians have on our govt is to vote in new representatives who believe in limiting the scope of govt.

I am getting support -- and applause -- from people all over the state when they hear I am running against James Fagan.

We can get back to govt by the people, for the people. I need your continued support throughout my grassroots campaign to ensure a victorious outcome in 2010.

Power To The People,