Thursday, March 18, 2010

End The Beacon Hill Insider Holidays

CONTACT: John Ciampa - 508.415.9665

O’CONNELL: It’s Time to End Evacuation Day and Bunker Hill Day Holidays

Fagan Cast Deciding Vote to Preserve Beacon Hill Insider Holiday

Taunton, MA…Today Shaunna O’Connell, Republican candidate for State Representative, announced her support for ending the special Suffolk County holidays of Evacuation Day and Bunker Hill Day that are costing taxpayers millions of dollars.

“At a time when so many people are unemployed, it is a disgrace that the legislature is protecting this costly perk,” said O’Connell. “There is no reason Suffolk County government workers and the legislature deserve an extra two days off.”

Last year on June 3rd, State Representative James Fagan voted against abolishing the holidays which would have saved taxpayer dollars. It was a tie vote and Fagan voted as a Beacon Hill insider. (Roll Call 145 – 78 Yeas vs. 78 Nays) Preserving these Suffolk County Holidays is just one difference between O’Connell and Fagan.

“Every day we hear about how our state is in fiscal chaos and that Taunton’s local aid is being threatened. A 25% sales tax increase was forced upon us, and yet when our State Representative could have taken a small step to protect the interests of the taxpayers, he failed. He cast the tie vote saving these so-called hack holidays,” said O’Connell. “He had a choice between Taunton taxpayers and the Beacon Hill gang. Taunton lost again. We need a Representative fighting for our interest rather than political insiders.”

O’Connell went on to state that when elected, she will cast the vote to repeal the holiday perk. “One vote can make a difference,” added O’Connell.

O’Connell is a lifelong resident of Taunton. She worked her way through college by serving in the food department at Morton Hospital and eventually becoming a department supervisor. Professionally, O’Connell is a self-employed court reporter. She is a devoted wife and mother of two young children and has been active in her church and volunteers for numerous community programs.

Voters can find more information on her by visiting

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